Luke Ward

🚀 Welcome to my website!

I like making stuff and putting it on the internet. (and talking a lot)

📜 Manifesto

Hey, my name's Luke Ward and I'm an undergraduate B.S. Computer Science student at Rochester Institute of technology (R.I.T).

I've spent a lot of my time working with computer, mentoring and tutorting students, and spending time outdoors. Throughout all of my life I've been interested in technology, from gaming to building my own Personal Computer and other side projects just out of curiosity. Now, I am always working on a small project alongside my rigorous course work to keep my curious mind sated.

I'm currently looking for a Software Engineering/Development Co-op, willing to relocate anywhere.

I have experience in Python 🐍, Java ☕️, Javascript, C, C++, HTML, and CSS.

👩🏽‍🚀 Projects

Python Dictionary 🐍 , Personal Project

Discord Bot 🤖, Personal Project

Hall Pass 📝 , Engineering Design and Development

Roommate Tinder 🧱 , Brickhack 7

🏆 Accomplishments & Extracurriculars

Because the one's who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
-Steve Jobs

🌮 Work History

Full Stack Engineer Co-op
Fidelity Investments

Collaborated with small scrum team to develop and maintain an internal facing test data service. Directly impacted user experience by implementing accessibility features which lead to more interactions by Data Scientists. Developed in a full stack manner, utilizing technologies such as Angular and Java Spring alongside custom MySQL queries. Deployed application on Azure Kubernetes (AKS) cluster using Jenkins CI/CD pipeline

Waterfront Director

I supervised multiple Lifeguards, Counselors and Counselors in Training at the waterfront. I also created and maintained a new safety standard that was compliant to new Federal and State legislation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I gained this promotion to Waterfront Director based on superior performance as Counselor and Cabin Lead.

Course Assistant

I am able to assist students in Intro to Software Engineering with course work, helped tutor and mentor multiple sections. I also host scheduled meetings to help students with homework and projects. This job has allowed me to acquire grading skills, and improvement in giving constructive feedback and criticism.

Thanks for stopping by!