
Simple Search2024

A search engine with built in web crawling and indexing. Built using technology such as Go, Fiber, Cron, Htmx, Postgresql, Templ, Tailwind/DaisyUI and others. Includes algorithms such as DFS as part of web scraping functionality.

Plate Math2024

Powerlifting plate math! All in one.

Pasta Bin2024

My own implementation of paste bin in Golang.


A simple shell written in Go.

Comprehensive Tax Calculator2024

Let's just say, I was sick of calculating taxes myself. This was just a small sideproject that helped my tax situation.

Word Builder2024

Word Builder game made in NextJS with Supabase. Wanted to create a simple, competitive game that can be played with or against your friends.


Build stronger teams, remotely together. Twineify is the solution to help your remote team build stronger connections through engaging icebreakers and collaborative activities.

RSA Calculator2024

A simple RSA encryptor/decryptor app that I made in React JS to learn the framework. I included handmade RSA functions that I studied and wanted to apply here.

Uey Chat2024

A Firebase chat application that is used for everyday messaging with built-in authentication, image sharing, and live communication.

ML Stocks2023

Learning some machine learning algorithims and applying them to the stock market.

Luke's Minecraft Mod2023

A simple Minecraft mod that adds some new items and features that I believed to be missing from the game. This is currently a work in progress, but I am constantly updating!

Moonsurface Procedural Generation2023

A procedurally generated moon surface using WebGL as a way to self-teach the low-level graphics library. This project aims to simulate a flat representation of the moon's surface, as viewed from a point on the moon. Using procedural generation techniques, it focuses on creating a dynamic and realistic terrain that resembles the moon's surface.

Assembly Vigenere Cipher2022

A Vigenère cipher that was written in MIPS assembly. Used this to better my understanding of MIPS and assembly memory management.

Modular Synthesizer2022

This project was created by myself and two other teammates for BrickHack 8 hackathon. We utilized a very low-level channel library to control the magnets within our machine's speakers. This gave us great control with our modularity, creating multiple modules to change the sound of the note and record sound. Written in C# with a basic front-end UI.

Roommate Tinder2022

Collaborated with a team of 3 to brainstorm an idea with RIT students to better the roommate-finding experience. Used MongoDB and Google Cloud services to store images and user requests. Worked on both front-end and back-end; used Node.js, Express.js, HTML, and SCSS.

Hall Pass2020

Collaborated with a team of 4 to design a software-enabled hall pass with smart functionality. Integrated Arduino code with timestamps, logging of users, image of school map, touchscreen functionality. Documented progress daily with in-depth analysis and photos of code.

Discord Bot2020

Created a Discord bot that allowed users to play music, moderate chat, and make changes to the server. Analyzed and integrated Discord and YouTube open-source libraries to implement the music feature. Developed the bot in Python using PyCharm IDE.

Python Dictionary2020

Developed a Python dictionary that allows users to search for vocabulary words and provides definitions. Utilized an open-source library to build a text file of words and their definitions. Increased Python knowledge through self-studying, specifically using Regular Expressions (RegEx).


Work in progress: React JS and TypeScript.

Uey Chat - More Features & Accessibility2023

Work in progress: Adding more features and improving accessibility.

News Grabber2023

Work in progress.

Luke Ward